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Some Truth about the Man

My photo
Nick's developed his own style over the years, a dark style with heavy shadows, the movement is spared resulting in a haunting, dramatic effect in his work. Nick almost exclusively uses old school film era Takumar lenses...ask Nick why, he'd love to tell you..

Sunday, March 17, 2013

What's his deal?

Untitled, originally uploaded by NickWeiler.

"Cool Glasses" by NKW - I was sitting behind this guy eating my turkey-mushroom-swiss with Ashley when I started daydreaming about what this guy possibly did for a living, how cool it is that he likes Ale-8-1 and….where did he get his cool glasses…(Shot w/Canon t4i w/pentax 50mm F1.4 lens)

"Howard's Hands" by NKW

Untitled, originally uploaded by NickWeiler.

"Howard's Hands" by NKW - My dear friend and mentor Howard McKenzie, aka "Howard", "Mac", "Sonny", "Colonel", "Captain", or "Howard Franklin" seated at the metal detector greeting clerks and lawyers as they enter the courthouse. His nickname and vocation have changed through the years, however his reputation has remained steadfast and true. He knows everyone's name, remembers everyone's troubles at home because he cares. His hands reflect who he is as a man, sharp, clean, warm, strong and wise, they just don't make em' like that anymore, I'm honored to call him my friend. The photography tips he teaches me are priceless. Frankly I learn volumes about life just watching him interact with people, he reminds of my own father… (shot w/Canon t4i w/50mm F1.4 lens)